You should start downloading this table: TABELLA MUSURE spagnolo

How to measure body parts effectively at the beginning and end of the course

  • 1st lesson all measurements, including height and weight (do have a scale to weigh participants in the same place)
  • Note: it is very important to personally measure each participant.
  • 5th lesson: take again the chest’s measurement
  • 6th lesson: circumference of the waist
  • 7th lesson: circumference of the buttock
  • 8th lesson: length of the back
  • 9th lesson:circumference of the thighs
  • 10th lesson: circumference of the biceps
  • 12th lesson: Make again all measurements, including circumference of the forearm and neck. Evidently, weigh each participant in the same scale that was used at the beginning of the course